Waltham Forest Parent Forum provides practical training sessions to support families and holds events such as networking meetings and family friendly activities. Events and training are provided where funding allows for free or at very low cost.
Restorative Yoga
Eliza from Yoga Me Happy will be leading parent/carers in an hour of self-care at the new WFPF dedicated restorative yoga session. As a parent of twins with additional needs, Eliza is well-versed in the challenges the roll as care-giver involves, and with over 10 years as a yoga instructor, is excited to combine both passions to help ease the pressures faced by dedicating so much of yourself to someone else's care and bring much needed balance back to body, mind and breath.
17th Jan / 31st Jan / 21st Feb / 6th March / 20th March at 10.30am
William Morris, Acanthus Room
Tea & Coffee available afterwards
Cost £3.50. Please book via the shop page.
For further details visit the website
Your Child is not Broken with Heidi Mavir
Date & Time: Wednesday 24th January 7PM - 9PM
Book via link:
Looking After Yourself – Calming your nervous system with Dr Abigail Fisher
Do you feel stressed and tired all the time? Do you feel like you have nothing left to give? If you are feeling burnt out in caring for your children and family, this webinar will give you some ideas and practical exercises to help. Dr Abigail Fisher, educational psychologist, will use polyvagal theory to give you a new understanding of how your nervous system works and how you can harness this to help you feel better, even as the demands on you are overwhelming. It is mainly a practical session, with breathing exercises and evidence-based exercises to help you relax, reduce stress levels and improve your overall wellbeing.
Date & Time: Thursday 1st Feb 1PM-2PM online via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 0886 6513
Passcode: 362174
Understanding emotionally based school avoidance with Ange McMillan
Date & Time Thursday 8th February 7PM - 9PM
Book via link:
You'll learn:
- What emotionally based school avoidance is.
- Why some children experience emotionally based school avoidance and the barriers to school attendance.
- The importance of looking at all areas of your child's world.
- What you can do to help.
- What school can do to help.
- Strategies to support.
- Resource book and additional guidance