Disability Strategy Fails to Level up for Disabled ChildrenSep 18, 2021Wednesday 28 July 2021The government has unveiled its £1.6bn strategy to improve the lives of disabled people, but Contact believes that families with disabled children.Read the article here:Disability strategy fails to level up for disabled children | Contact
Wednesday 28 July 2021The government has unveiled its £1.6bn strategy to improve the lives of disabled people, but Contact believes that families with disabled children.Read the article here:Disability strategy fails to level up for disabled children | Contact
Ofsted-CQC Publish Final Report on Interim VisitsOfsted and the Care Quality Commission have published their final report from their programme of interim visits to local areas.
SEND Tribunal Extended Powers – newsflash from the DfE SEND team The DfE SEND team have issued this update regarding the continuation of the extension of the SEND Tribunal powers which were part of the...
Autism Report from NDTI The report looks at the experience of Autistic MH inpatients and makes recommendations for changes that providers of CAMHS inpatient service